Saturday, December 5, 2009

Finally Back!

WOW! We've been busy and away for awhile. But we're back now. Hopefully we'll be able to keep Cave Central active. We been hiding, but we're opening the Cave for you to rejoin us. And making our presence known on Twitter and elsewhere.

Join in.

Two questions:

1. Do YOU have a cave? (see below for definition of a "cave")
2. Do you have photos?  If so upload them. And comment on some of our posts.
3. Do you know our newest honorary CaveDweller, Fester S. Coots? Y'all need to get to know him for sure! ( My favorites are Melodic Mondays, Episodes 11 and 14.

Here's 11:

Thanks for comin by and joinin' us.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


1. Find Your Space. If single, no problem. Your ENTIRE appartment is your space. That is your cave. However, if you're blessed to be married, you must allow your spouse to work with you on choosing the space which is to become your CAVE--the home in a home. The place you go to unwind, to recreate, to ponder, to yawn, to snooze, to spill ice cream on yourself or your floor and not have to wipe it right away. This is the SPACE of spaces. This is your lifeline to sanity, connected as you are with millions of brothers throughout history who have taken possession of their "drawing rooms, libraries, dens, and club houses.

Your space should be large enough to equip it with Cave-essentials:

2. EQUIP it with the ESSENTIALS:
  • TWO overstuffed chairs, preferably with rips, tears, and stains. This is for you and any cave men who drop by. You will find that this is your favorite place. Be sure to surround yourself with cork-board and make sure you have yours in a corner so that you have a wall to your right and a wall to your left. These are great for post-its and photos and lists. You have to make and hang LOTS OF LISTS. Lists you never get through, but have good intentions over.
  • A computer (unless you work at a computer, then, you should see if you can avoid technology in your cave (with the exception of an excellent source for music).
  • Fill your Cave with STUFF: Stuffed birds, owls, sea-gulls, Canada geese, or cock pheasants are a must. You can also substitute stuffed animals. Things that girls won't want to be around because they give them the creeps. Also moose or deer antlers are cool. Antique lanterns too (if you can access them). Interesting things to look at. Overwhelm the senses by making sure that the cave is PACKED with interesting things. Books are a must!! You don't read? Begin. You need to have something that will make you a 21st Century CAVE MAN.
  • Although I believe that every man should have an occupation, if you don't smoke, don't start now. You can burn incense in the cave though. That's always murder on the sinuses. Then your furniture and clothes will always smell like pine forest or "summer rain."
  • You need to have a couple of old milk crates OR you could get those plastic stackable ones at Target or WalMart. You can stack these and keep your books or things in them.

Somtime soon, I'll show you some photos that I hope will give you ideas.

If you look at Doc Dave 1's cave, you'll see lots of interesting stuff (check out his goose too). It's great!! He bought it some shades and put a hat or something on it and it's really quite frightening to encounter when you first walk in. It hangs from the ceiling on fishing line. AWESOME!!


Check back with us here and I"ll share with you my CAVE RULES. If you don't have rules, don't be surprised if your cave becomes just another room that you have relinquished to the community. Then you may be stuck with the shed or garage, which you might be able to work with. I prefer heat and proximity to a bathroom. But it's YOUR CAVE or not. Believe me . . . you'll be glad you laid it out up front and agreed upon the RULES.

Catch you later. Cave-ON!!


A Cave is any room over which and in which the Cave Man has complete and unquestioned authority and Rule. The cave is HIS Place. This is the masculine space. The abode of peace, quiet, organized clutter, and above all, freedom from tidy minds and hands.

Monday, February 26, 2007

This is typical of 21st Century Cave Dwellers.
Computer savy and online.
Age is no obstacle.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


OK . . .

It seeems some explanation is required.

This is the site for CAVE DWELLERS.

As you all know, I (David), have a Cave at Home.

This site is the place where we network about our Caves.

I want your pictures. So send me Cave Shots at:

Be sure to check out the fabulous examples of Caves that we men spend so much of our time in.

We invite all serious comments and contributions.

Friday, February 23, 2007



A Man without a Cave is a sad homosapien.

Show us your CAVE.

Those of us who showcase our caves invite you to visit here from time to time for inspiration. HERE you will find ALL Things pertaining to the establishment and improvement of your personal space--THE CAVE!!

Don't have ONE??? WHAT???? ARE YOU KIDDING????

All Serious CaveDwellers may contribute to our knowledge. I and I ALONE, the founder of Cave Central will determine what is worth our Attention. We are NOT SEXIST. BUT WE DO HAVE RULES.

--Doc Dave 2, founder of CAVE CENTRAL!